I am in need of prayers for some friends of mine. God has blessed them and they did live in heaven, but now because of a move they made, they are close to Hell. On a day like today 06-06-06 they need our prayer more than ever. How could they move our little Texan two hours from Hell, Michigan.
What the hell?
Hell-o! Michigan's not that bad!
at least there's no fury there..
Uh Clint I have been to Abilene what the Hell are you trying to pull.
clint..did you get my "no fury" joke.?.yeah..thought that was pretty clever..
Yeah, isn't "Hell, Michigan" redundant?
Hey, all you hillbillies need to be nice. Even Hell, MI is better than Abilene, TX. Just kidding!! We love Abilene!!
hillbillies, what the, oh we do have a hill don't we.
I was thinking, if you all go to Michigan together then you all can go to hell. We could all go to hell. Might as well, what the hell. We can go for the hell of it.
feel better now brian
Wow. I'm an hour and 46 minutes from Hell. I think I'd better go pray! ;-)
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